Happy New Year everyone! The holiday season seems to have flown past. I'm not sure about all of you, but I'm kind of glad that it's over! 2010 has got to be a much better year than last year. I'm hoping for healthy friends and family - 2009 brought too many illnesses to too many relatives and close friends.
Even though Christmas went by pretty quick, I was able to take lots of pictures. I can't wait to settle down in my craft room and start scrapping them.
As I have been surfing the web (when I should have been doing other things), I've noticed that many people set goals as to how many layouts they plan to do in a year. I've decided to set a goal for myself too. My layout goal for the year 2010 is 120. If I do the Workshop on the Go kit every month, I will have at least 6 pages complete with only 4 more to go - easy peasy.
What is the Workshop on the Go? Email me at wfording@aol.com and I'd be happy to share!
I'll be posting my completed layouts shortly. I have 6 completed already!